An institution devoted for music, was found by "Sangeetha Kalarathna" Hyderabad Dr. B. Siva
SUKHI NIKHETAN ARTS ACADEMY (SNAA) is the temple of music and bank of voice, where the students and music are not distinct . It is a Gurukulam where Yagna is being conducted by the students through their magical and enchanting voice . It’s a Geethalaya built by Sruthi and Laya. Here students do not learn music but turns into music itself. It’s not blood but only music runs through the veins of students here.
“Arul Isai Arasu” Dr. Hyderabad B Siva is the Founder and Guru of Sukhi Nikhetan Arts Academy who is whole heartedly supported by his beloved better half “Kala Seva Rathna” Smt. Gayathri Sivarajan. With the Strenuous efforts of the couple and with the divine music of Guru, Music transforms into a festival here. Both eyes of Hinduism , “Saivam” and “Vaishnavam” are honoured and worshipped here through music. SNAA always reiterates and emphasise our heritage, traditional values which would guide and groom the students to become a noble citizen and lead their life successfully.
Panchami is celebrated every month in a grand manner with soulful devotion and participation of every one at SNAA family. The chanting of Sathguru Thyagaraja Swamy’s “Pancharathna Keerthanai” by the students along with their parents, under the guidance of Dr Hyderabad B Siva, is the highlight of the program, which attracts everybody’s attention. Lord Rama is adored with garlands & flowers and divine music with violin and mridangam , needless to say that one has to experience the divinity of the music by being present themselves at the festival. If it is not exaggerated, it may be said that one would experience the “eternal state of being” and realises their “being on earth” only when the enchanting music ends. This Holy “Panchami Aradhanai” blooms every month to excite the devotees who regularly participates. Needless to say, it is Lord Rama’s blessings which imbibe all the audience who are present there. As indicated in the following Sloga , Beloved Maruthi (Anjaneya) is said to be present at the spot where Lord Rama is being adored.
Yatra yatra raghunatha kirtanam; Tatra tatra kritha masthakanjalim; Bhaspavaari paripurna lochanam; Maarutim namata raakshasanthakam |
Meaning:"We bow to Maruti, Sri Hanuman, who stands with his palms folded above his forehead, with a torrent of tears flowing down his eyes wherever the Names of Lord Rama are sung". |
SNAA is a “Sanctum Sanctorum” and “The Naadha Mani Mandapa” for the students, which regularly conducts Tamizisai Paamalai on first Sunday of every month headed by “Arul Isai Arasu” Hyderabad Dr. B Siva. Let Lord Shiva, the Almighty, shower his divine blessings on these young talents and it is also to be experienced by oneself personally. The Kindness of Lord Shiva, showered on the Divine Four ( Appar ,Sundarar, Thirugnanasambanthar , Manikavasagar) made them to compose soulful songs (Pannasaivu) on the Almighty, which shook the Mother Earth (Mannasaivu). Both these movements (Pannasaivu and Mannasaivu) can be soulfully felt here at SNAA. With the kind guidance of Guru Dr. B Siva , his disciples learn to spread their musical wings to fly over the great “Universe of music”.
The divinity of the SNAA music may make oneself feel that the “Kailayam” itself has descended at Villivakkam. The Isai Sangamam comprised of “The accent”, “The Laya”, “The Bhava” and “The Thala” along with concert of Violin will definitely make oneself have the multi- dimensional experience of music and feel the Real greatness of music.
In mythology it is a belief that prayers would always fetch the desired results and Hinduism is not an exception to this. In our system, we strongly believe in Joint Prayers and Panchami and Tamizisai Paamalai are to quote a few through which the Bakthi is expressed by music. It is the greatness of SNAA to create opportunity / room for the disciples to adore the Almighty through these divine moments every month, to fetch the “showers of blessings” of the Almighty.